Where are you located?

I am located in a personal training gym in Westerville, Ohio called Back To Basics Movement and Training: 205 Intek Way, Westerville, OH 43082.

What can I expect?

Expect to be moving around and trying different exercises. Wear clothes that are comfortable for you to workout in. If you are coming for a hip/knee issue then please wear or bring shorts! We do one-on-one treatments only for physical therapy appointments so that we can get to know you better, find exactly whats going on, and get to the root of the problem quickly. Physical Therapy is not a “quick fix” and you should expect to put in some work. I give all my patients “homework” to continue progressing in the right direction so that you can learn how to “fix” your problem on your own so that next time you have a “flare up” you can try our exercises we did last time first, before coming in and scheduling another appointment. Although most people start to feel better in 3-5 visits, most of our patients are seen for 1 visit a week for about 8 weeks to ensure we found the root of the problem and have given you every tool necessary to make you stronger, more resilient and prevent this injury from ever happening again. Because often, just because the pain is gone, does not mean the root problem is fixed just quite yet..

Do I need a physician referral?

Nope, no referral or prescription necessary. Just call me, email, or fill out the “ask about availability form” and I should be able to get you in right away!

Do I need to be seen in person?

No. Telehealth visit options are also available.


205 Intek Way, Unit 300, Westerville, OH 43082


Monday - Friday: 7:00-7:00

© 2021 Everyone Should Lift | Designed by Funnel Pandit